How do you spell Notice 

Available Definitions:
1)  n. - The act of noting, remarking, or observing; observation by the senses or intellect; cognizance; note.
2)  n. - Intelligence, by whatever means communicated; knowledge given or received; means of knowledge; express notification; announcement; warning.
3)  n. - An announcement, often accompanied by comments or remarks; as, book notices; theatrical notices.
4)  n. - A writing communicating information or warning.
5)  n. - Attention; respectful treatment; civility.
6)  v. t. - To observe; to see to mark; to take note of; to heed; to pay attention to.
7)  v. t. - To show that one has observed; to take public note of; remark upon; to make comments on; to refer to; as, to notice a book.
8)  v. t. - To treat with attention and civility; as, to notice strangers.