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Spelling Bee Ninja :: FAQ

What is Spelling Bee Ninja?

Spelling Bee Ninja (SBN for short) is a system that can improve your spelling capabilities very quickly.
It has been designed as a trainer for Spelling bee competitions.
It provides functions to build custom spelling lists, handling students, taking Spelling Bee tests and keeping track of results.
Moreover it can provide spelling related information for each English word.
Read more more about Spelling Bee Ninja.

Will SBN increase my spelling capabilities?

We think so:
Spelling Bee Ninja is based on data provided by spelling tests from users from all over the world.
It can learn the difficulty level of a given word depending on student's nationality.
It also offers unique features for spelling bee training, such as custom words list, error tracking and unlimited spelling bee tests.
That is why we are confident that SBN, when properly used, will improve your spelling skills very quickly.

Is Spelling Bee Ninja free to use?

You can use spelling bee ninja for free at the following address
The most advanced features, that we strongly suggest if you are serious on Spelling Bee training, comes at a small fee.
See the plans page here.

Where do I start?

First of all create a free account here,
Then have a look to the quick start page that will give you an overview of the training process.
SBN is mainly based on building up spelling bee lists and taking spelling tests, then checking for errors and repeat.
Word lists can be custom made, imported or automatically provided by SBN dictionary, that will provide words lists accordingly with student grade and skill level.
Each account can handle one or more students (that can be used for instance by families with more than one kid).
Teachers can use a teacher account to train a whole class of students, assign common lists and spelling tests as homeworks.
Please refer to the how to page
Read more more about Spelling Bee Ninja.

What is the Spelling Bee search Engine?

It is a tool provided by Spelling Bee Ninja,
The search engine will provide, for each word, spelling bee related information, such as difficulty level and statistics.
Each word card provides a button that will add the word to "My Words" list, ready to be saved to an existing or a new spelling list and used in custom spelling tests.
The search engine can provide words list for a given grade, to see all the options provided please refer to the Syntax Page.
Read more more about Spelling Words Search Engine.

Should I set up my school when registering?

This is up to you as it is not mandatory, but yes, we think it is a good idea.
When setting up your school, your account will be coupled with the school and you will have the possibility to compete against your class and school mates.
Also you will get access to dedicated school and class rankings along with the world rankings.
Spelling Bee Ninja comes with a database of schools,
if you cannot find your school, just enter the school details in the form and we will add it in our database in few hours.
Read more more about Set your school.

What is a Spelling Bee achievement certificate?

It is a digital certificate that we release to each student that performs a very high score in a spelling bee test.
It comes under the form of an high resolution image, specifying the student's name, grade and the score achieved in the spelling test.
A Spelling Bee certificate is private, accessible only from the student's account, in the report card page, ready to be printed and framed, or saved on your local drive and eventually shared with friends.
When a student earns such kind of certificate, a confirmation/congratulation email will be sent, containing the link to the related report card.
Read more more about Certificates of Achievement.