How do you spell Founded


Available Definitions:
1)   - imp. & p. p. of Find.
2)  v. t. - To form by melting a metal, and pouring it into a mold; to cast.
3)  n. - A thin, single-cut file for combmakers.
4)  v. i. - To lay the basis of; to set, or place, as on something solid, for support; to ground; to establish upon a basis, literal or figurative; to fix firmly.
5)  v. i. - To take the ffirst steps or measures in erecting or building up; to furnish the materials for beginning; to begin to raise; to originate; as, to found a college; to found a family.
6)  v. t. - To gain, as the object of desire or effort; as, to find leisure; to find means.
7)  v. t. - To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire.
8)  v. t. - To provide for; to supply; to furnish; as, to find food for workemen; he finds his nephew in money.
9)  v. t. - To arrive at, as a conclusion; to determine as true; to establish; as, to find a verdict; to find a true bill (of indictment) against an accused person.
10)  v. i. - To determine an issue of fact, and to declare such a determination to a court; as, the jury find for the plaintiff.
11)  n. - Anything found; a discovery of anything valuable; especially, a deposit, discovered by archaeologists, of objects of prehistoric or unknown origin.

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