Available Definitions:
1) n. - A roll; a scroll; a written document rolled up for keeping or for use, after the manner of the ancients.
2) n. - Hence, a collection of printed sheets bound together, whether containing a single work, or a part of a work, or more than one work; a book; a tome; especially, that part of an extended work which is bound up together in one cover; as, a work in four volumes.
3) n. - Anything of a rounded or swelling form resembling a roll; a turn; a convolution; a coil.
4) n. - Dimensions; compass; space occupied, as measured by cubic units, that is, cubic inches, feet, yards, etc.; mass; bulk; as, the volume of an elephant's body; a volume of gas.
5) n. - Amount, fullness, quantity, or caliber of voice or tone.