Available Definitions:
1) a. - Adapted to try, or put to severe trial; severe; afflictive; as, a trying occasion or position.
2) v. t. - To purify or refine, as metals; to melt out, and procure in a pure state, as oil, tallow, lard, etc.
3) v. t. - To prove by experiment; to apply a test to, for the purpose of determining the quality; to examine; to prove; to test; as, to try weights or measures by a standard; to try a man's opinions.
4) v. t. - To subject to severe trial; to put to the test; to cause suffering or trouble to.
5) v. t. - To experiment with; to test by use; as, to try a remedy for disease; to try a horse.
6) v. t. - To strain; to subject to excessive tests; as, the light tries his eyes; repeated disappointments try one's patience.
7) v. t. - To examine or investigate judicially; to examine by witnesses or other judicial evidence and the principles of law; as, to try a cause, or a criminal.
8) v. t. - To settle; to decide; to determine; specifically, to decide by an appeal to arms; as, to try rival claims by a duel; to try conclusions.
9) v. t. - To experience; to have or gain knowledge of by experience.
10) v. t. - To essay; to attempt; to endeavor.
11) v. i. - To exert strength; to endeavor; to make an effort or an attempt; as, you must try hard if you wish to learn.
12) v. i. - To do; to fare; as, how do you try!
13) n. - A screen, or sieve, for grain.
14) n. - Act of trying; attempt; experiment; trial.
15) v. t. - Refined; select; excellent; choice.