Available Definitions:
1) v. i. - To labor; to travail.
2) v. i. - To go or march on foot; to walk; as, to travel over the city, or through the streets.
3) v. i. - To pass by riding, or in any manner, to a distant place, or to many places; to journey; as, a man travels for his health; he is traveling in California.
4) v. i. - To pass; to go; to move.
5) v. t. - To journey over; to traverse; as, to travel the continent.
6) v. t. - To force to journey.
7) n. - The act of traveling, or journeying from place to place; a journey.
8) n. - An account, by a traveler, of occurrences and observations during a journey; as, a book of travels; -- often used as the title of a book; as, Travels in Italy.
9) n. - The length of stroke of a reciprocating piece; as, the travel of a slide valve.
10) n. - Labor; parturition; travail.