How do you spell Trash 

Available Definitions:
1)  n. - That which is worthless or useless; rubbish; refuse.
2)  n. - Especially, loppings and leaves of trees, bruised sugar cane, or the like.
3)  n. - A worthless person.
4)  n. - A collar, leash, or halter used to restrain a dog in pursuing game.
5)  v. t. - To free from trash, or worthless matter; hence, to lop; to crop, as to trash the rattoons of sugar cane.
6)  v. t. - To treat as trash, or worthless matter; hence, to spurn, humiliate, or crush.
7)  v. t. - To hold back by a trash or leash, as a dog in pursuing game; hence, to retard, encumber, or restrain; to clog; to hinder vexatiously.
8)  v. i. - To follow with violence and trampling.

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