How do you spell Tang 

Available Definitions:
1)  n. - A coarse blackish seaweed (Fuscus nodosus).
2)  n. - A strong or offensive taste; especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself; as, wine or cider has a tang of the cask.
3)  n. - Fig.: A sharp, specific flavor or tinge. Cf. Tang a twang.
4)  n. - A projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part; anything resembling a tongue in form or position.
5)  n. - The part of a knife, fork, file, or other small instrument, which is inserted into the handle.
6)  n. - The projecting part of the breech of a musket barrel, by which the barrel is secured to the stock.
7)  n. - The part of a sword blade to which the handle is fastened.
8)  n. - The tongue of a buckle.
9)  n. - A sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang.
10)  v. t. - To cause to ring or sound loudly; to ring.
11)  v. i. - To make a ringing sound; to ring.

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