How do you spell Some 

Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Consisting of a greater or less portion or sum; composed of a quantity or number which is not stated; -- used to express an indefinite quantity or number; as, some wine; some water; some persons. Used also pronominally; as, I have some.
2)  a. - A certain; one; -- indicating a person, thing, event, etc., as not known individually, or designated more specifically; as, some man, that is, some one man.
3)  a. - Not much; a little; moderate; as, the censure was to some extent just.
4)  a. - About; near; more or less; -- used commonly with numerals, but formerly also with a singular substantive of time or distance; as, a village of some eighty houses; some two or three persons; some hour hence.
5)  a. - Considerable in number or quality.
6)  a. - Certain; those of one part or portion; -- in distinct from other or others; as, some men believe one thing, and others another.
7)  a. - A part; a portion; -- used pronominally, and followed sometimes by of; as, some of our provisions.

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