How do you spell Slashed


Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Marked or cut with a slash or slashes; deeply gashed; especially, having long, narrow openings, as a sleeve or other part of a garment, to show rich lining or under vesture.
2)  a. - Divided into many narrow parts or segments by sharp incisions; laciniate.
3)  v. t. - To crack or snap, as a whip.
4)  v. i. - To strike violently and at random, esp. with an edged instrument; to lay about one indiscriminately with blows; to cut hastily and carelessly.
5)  n. - A long cut; a cut made at random.
6)  n. - A large slit in the material of any garment, made to show the lining through the openings.
7)  n. - Swampy or wet lands overgrown with bushes.

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