How do you spell Shot 

Available Definitions:
1)   - imp. & p. p. of Shoot.
2)  a. - Woven in such a way as to produce an effect of variegation, of changeable tints, or of being figured; as, shot silks. See Shoot , v. t., 8.
3)  v. t. - A share or proportion; a reckoning; a scot.
4)  pl. - of Shot
5)  n. - The act of shooting; discharge of a firearm or other weapon which throws a missile.
6)  n. - A missile weapon, particularly a ball or bullet; specifically, whatever is discharged as a projectile from firearms or cannon by the force of an explosive.
7)  n. - Small globular masses of lead, of various sizes, -- used chiefly for killing game; as, bird shot; buckshot.
8)  n. - The flight of a missile, or the distance which it is, or can be, thrown; as, the vessel was distant more than a cannon shot.
9)  n. - A marksman; one who practices shooting; as, an exellent shot.
10)  v. t. - To load with shot, as a gun.
11)  v. i. - To discharge a missile; -- said of an engine or instrument; as, the gun shoots well.
12)  v. i. - To be shot or propelled forcibly; -- said of a missile; to be emitted or driven; to move or extend swiftly, as if propelled; as, a shooting star.
13)  v. i. - To penetrate, as a missile; to dart with a piercing sensation; as, shooting pains.
14)  v. i. - To feel a quick, darting pain; to throb in pain.
15)  v. i. - To germinate; to bud; to sprout.
16)  v. i. - To grow; to advance; as, to shoot up rapidly.
17)  v. i. - To change form suddenly; especially, to solidify.
18)  v. i. - To protrude; to jut; to project; to extend; as, the land shoots into a promontory.
19)  v. i. - To move ahead by force of momentum, as a sailing vessel when the helm is put hard alee.
20)  n. - The act of shooting; the discharge of a missile; a shot; as, the shoot of a shuttle.
21)  n. - A young branch or growth.
22)  n. - A rush of water; a rapid.
23)  n. - A vein of ore running in the same general direction as the lode.
24)  n. - A weft thread shot through the shed by the shuttle; a pick.
25)  n. - A shoat; a young hog.

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