How do you spell Shipping


Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Relating to ships, their ownership, transfer, or employment; as, shiping concerns.
2)  a. - Relating to, or concerned in, the forwarding of goods; as, a shipping clerk.
3)  n. - The act of one who, or of that which, ships; as, the shipping of flour to Liverpool.
4)  n. - The collective body of ships in one place, or belonging to one port, country, etc.; vessels, generally; tonnage.
5)  n. - Navigation.
6)  v. t. - By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance; as, to ship freight by railroad.
7)  v. t. - Hence, to send away; to get rid of.
8)  v. t. - To engage or secure for service on board of a ship; as, to ship seamen.
9)  v. t. - To receive on board ship; as, to ship a sea.
10)  v. t. - To put in its place; as, to ship the tiller or rudder.
11)  v. i. - To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man-of-war.
12)  v. i. - To embark on a ship.

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