How do you spell Pugging


Available Definitions:
1)  v. t. - The act or process of working and tempering clay to make it plastic and of uniform consistency, as for bricks, for pottery, etc.
2)  v. t. - Mortar or the like, laid between the joists under the boards of a floor, or within a partition, to deaden sound; -- in the United States usually called deafening.
3)  a. - Thieving.
4)  n. - A pug mill.
5)  n. - An elf, or a hobgoblin; also same as Puck.
6)  n. - A name for a monkey.
7)  n. - A name for a fox.
8)  n. - An intimate; a crony; a dear one.
9)  n. - Chaff; the refuse of grain.
10)  n. - A prostitute.
11)  n. - One of a small breed of pet dogs having a short nose and head; a pug dog.
12)  n. - Any geometrid moth of the genus Eupithecia.

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