How do you spell Prosing


Available Definitions:
1)  n. - Writing prose; speaking or writing in a tedious or prosy manner.
2)  n. - Hence, language which evinces little imagination or animation; dull and commonplace discourse.
3)  n. - A hymn with no regular meter, sometimes introduced into the Mass. See Sequence .
4)  a. - Pertaining to, or composed of, prose; not in verse; as, prose composition.
5)  a. - Possessing or exhibiting unpoetical characteristics; plain; dull; prosaic; as, the prose duties of life.
6)  v. t. - To write in prose.
7)  v. t. - To write or repeat in a dull, tedious, or prosy way.
8)  v. i. - To write prose.

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