How do you spell Proposition 

Available Definitions:
1)  n. - The act of setting or placing before; the act of offering.
2)  n. - That which is proposed; that which is offered, as for consideration, acceptance, or adoption; a proposal; as, the enemy made propositions of peace; his proposition was not accepted.
3)  n. - A statement of religious doctrine; an article of faith; creed; as, the propositions of Wyclif and Huss.
4)  n. - A complete sentence, or part of a sentence consisting of a subject and predicate united by a copula; a thought expressed or propounded in language; a from of speech in which a predicate is affirmed or denied of a subject; as, snow is white.
5)  n. - A statement in terms of a truth to be demonstrated, or of an operation to be performed.
6)  n. - That which is offered or affirmed as the subject of the discourse; anything stated or affirmed for discussion or illustration.
7)  n. - The part of a poem in which the author states the subject or matter of it.

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