How do you spell Parting 

Available Definitions:
1)  v. - Serving to part; dividing; separating.
2)  v. - Given when departing; as, a parting shot; a parting salute.
3)  v. - Departing.
4)  v. - Admitting of being parted; partible.
5)  n. - The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; division; separation.
6)  n. - A separation; a leave-taking.
7)  n. - A surface or line of separation where a division occurs.
8)  n. - The surface of the sand of one section of a mold where it meets that of another section.
9)  n. - The separation and determination of alloys; esp., the separation, as by acids, of gold from silver in the assay button.
10)  n. - A joint or fissure, as in a coal seam.
11)  n. - The breaking, as of a cable, by violence.
12)  n. - Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamellae.
13)  n. - To separate or disunite; to cause to go apart; to remove from contact or contiguity; to sunder.
14)  n. - Hence: To hold apart; to stand between; to intervene betwixt, as combatants.
15)  n. - To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion; as, to part gold from silver.
16)  n. - To leave; to quit.
17)  v. i. - To be broken or divided into parts or pieces; to break; to become separated; to go asunder; as, rope parts; his hair parts in the middle.
18)  v. i. - To go away; to depart; to take leave; to quit each other; hence, to die; -- often with from.
19)  v. i. - To perform an act of parting; to relinquish a connection of any kind; -- followed by with or from.
20)  v. i. - To have a part or share; to partake.
21)  adv. - Partly; in a measure.

Antonyms of "Parting"