How do you spell Observing 

Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Giving particular attention; habitually attentive to what passes; as, an observing person; an observing mind.
2)  v. t. - To be on the watch respecting; to pay attention to; to notice with care; to see; to perceive; to discover; as, to observe an eclipse; to observe the color or fashion of a dress; to observe the movements of an army.
3)  v. t. - To express as what has been noticed; to utter as a remark; to say in a casual or incidental way; to remark.
4)  v. i. - To take notice; to give attention to what one sees or hears; to attend.
5)  v. i. - To make a remark; to comment; -- generally with on or upon.

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