How do you spell Model 

Available Definitions:
1)  n. - A miniature representation of a thing, with the several parts in due proportion; sometimes, a facsimile of the same size.
2)  n. - Something intended to serve, or that may serve, as a pattern of something to be made; a material representation or embodiment of an ideal; sometimes, a drawing; a plan; as, the clay model of a sculpture; the inventor's model of a machine.
3)  n. - Anything which serves, or may serve, as an example for imitation; as, a government formed on the model of the American constitution; a model of eloquence, virtue, or behavior.
4)  n. - That by which a thing is to be measured; standard.
5)  n. - Any copy, or resemblance, more or less exact.
6)  n. - A person who poses as a pattern to an artist.
7)  a. - Suitable to be taken as a model or pattern; as, a model house; a model husband.
8)  v. t. - To plan or form after a pattern; to form in model; to form a model or pattern for; to shape; to mold; to fashion; as, to model a house or a government; to model an edifice according to the plan delineated.
9)  v. i. - To make a copy or a pattern; to design or imitate forms; as, to model in wax.

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