How do you spell Minim 

Available Definitions:
1)  n. - Anything very minute; as, the minims of existence; -- applied to animalcula; and the like.
2)  n. - The smallest liquid measure, equal to about one drop; the sixtieth part of a fluid drachm.
3)  n. - A small fish; a minnow.
4)  n. - A little man or being; a dwarf.
5)  n. - One of an austere order of mendicant hermits of friars founded in the 15th century by St. Francis of Paola.
6)  n. - A time note, formerly the shortest in use; a half note, equal to half a semibreve, or two quarter notes or crotchets.
7)  n. - A short poetical encomium.
8)  a. - Minute.

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