Available Definitions:
1) a. - Lower in place, rank, excellence, etc.; less important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
2) a. - Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
3) a. - Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury or Venus.
4) a. - Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a meridian.
5) a. - Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior calyx.
6) a. - On the side of a flower which is next the bract; anterior.
7) a. - Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior officer.
8) n. - A person lower in station, rank, intellect, etc., than another.