How do you spell Gospel 

Available Definitions:
1)  v. - Glad tidings; especially, the good news concerning Christ, the Kingdom of God, and salvation.
2)  v. - One of the four narratives of the life and death of Jesus Christ, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
3)  v. - A selection from one of the gospels, for use in a religious service; as, the gospel for the day.
4)  v. - Any system of religious doctrine; sometimes, any system of political doctrine or social philosophy; as, this political gospel.
5)  v. - Anything propounded or accepted as infallibly true; as, they took his words for gospel.
6)  a. - Accordant with, or relating to, the gospel; evangelical; as, gospel righteousness.
7)  v. t. - To instruct in the gospel.

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