Available Definitions:
1) v. i. - To shine with an intense or white heat; to give forth vivid light and heat; to be incandescent.
2) v. i. - To exhibit a strong, bright color; to be brilliant, as if with heat; to be bright or red with heat or animation, with blushes, etc.
3) v. i. - To feel hot; to have a burning sensation, as of the skin, from friction, exercise, etc.; to burn.
4) v. i. - To feel the heat of passion; to be animated, as by intense love, zeal, anger, etc.; to rage, as passior; as, the heart glows with love, zeal, or patriotism.
5) v. t. - To make hot; to flush.
6) n. - White or red heat; incandscence.
7) n. - Brightness or warmth of color; redness; a rosy flush; as, the glow of health in the cheeks.
8) n. - Intense excitement or earnestness; vehemence or heat of passion; ardor.
9) n. - Heat of body; a sensation of warmth, as that produced by exercise, etc.