How do you spell Flourish 

Available Definitions:
1)  v. i. - To grow luxuriantly; to increase and enlarge, as a healthy growing plant; a thrive.
2)  v. i. - To be prosperous; to increase in wealth, honor, comfort, happiness, or whatever is desirable; to thrive; to be prominent and influental; specifically, of authors, painters, etc., to be in a state of activity or production.
3)  v. i. - To use florid language; to indulge in rhetorical figures and lofty expressions; to be flowery.
4)  v. i. - To make bold and sweeping, fanciful, or wanton movements, by way of ornament, parade, bravado, etc.; to play with fantastic and irregular motion.
5)  v. i. - To make ornamental strokes with the pen; to write graceful, decorative figures.
6)  v. i. - To execute an irregular or fanciful strain of music, by way of ornament or prelude.
7)  v. i. - To boast; to vaunt; to brag.
8)  v. t. - To adorn with flowers orbeautiful figures, either natural or artificial; to ornament with anything showy; to embellish.
9)  v. t. - To embellish with the flowers of diction; to adorn with rhetorical figures; to grace with ostentatious eloquence; to set off with a parade of words.
10)  v. t. - To move in bold or irregular figures; to swing about in circles or vibrations by way of show or triumph; to brandish.
11)  v. t. - To develop; to make thrive; to expand.
12)  n. - A flourishing condition; prosperity; vigor.
13)  n. - Decoration; ornament; beauty.
14)  n. - Something made or performed in a fanciful, wanton, or vaunting manner, by way of ostentation, to excite admiration, etc.; ostentatious embellishment; ambitious copiousness or amplification; parade of words and figures; show; as, a flourish of rhetoric or of wit.
15)  n. - A fanciful stroke of the pen or graver; a merely decorative figure.
16)  n. - A fantastic or decorative musical passage; a strain of triumph or bravado, not forming part of a regular musical composition; a cal; a fanfare.
17)  n. - The waving of a weapon or other thing; a brandishing; as, the flourish of a sword.

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