How do you spell Esheated


Available Definitions:
1)  n. - The falling back or reversion of lands, by some casualty or accident, to the lord of the fee, in consequence of the extinction of the blood of the tenant, which may happen by his dying without heirs, and formerly might happen by corruption of blood, that is, by reason of a felony or attainder.
2)  n. - The reverting of real property to the State, as original and ultimate proprietor, by reason of a failure of persons legally entitled to hold the same.
3)  n. - A writ, now abolished, to recover escheats from the person in possession.
4)  n. - Lands which fall to the lord or the State by escheat.
5)  n. - That which falls to one; a reversion or return
6)  v. i. - To revert, or become forfeited, to the lord, the crown, or the State, as lands by the failure of persons entitled to hold the same, or by forfeiture.
7)  v. t. - To forfeit.

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