How do you spell Depressed 

Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Pressed or forced down; lowed; sunk; dejected; dispirited; sad; humbled.
2)  a. - Concave on the upper side; -- said of a leaf whose disk is lower than the border.
3)  a. - Lying flat; -- said of a stem or leaf which lies close to the ground.
4)  a. - Having the vertical diameter shorter than the horizontal or transverse; -- said of the bodies of animals, or of parts of the bodies.
5)  v. t. - To lessen in price; to cause to decline in value; to cheapen; to depreciate.
6)  v. t. - To reduce (an equation) in a lower degree.
7)  a. - Having the middle lower than the border; concave.

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