How do you spell Cram 

Available Definitions:
1)  v. t. - To press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another; to stuff; to crowd; to fill to superfluity; as, to cram anything into a basket; to cram a room with people.
2)  v. t. - To fill with food to satiety; to stuff.
3)  v. t. - To put hastily through an extensive course of memorizing or study, as in preparation for an examination; as, a pupil is crammed by his tutor.
4)  v. i. - To eat greedily, and to satiety; to stuff.
5)  v. i. - To make crude preparation for a special occasion, as an examination, by a hasty and extensive course of memorizing or study.
6)  n. - The act of cramming.
7)  n. - Information hastily memorized; as, a cram from an examination.
8)  n. - A warp having more than two threads passing through each dent or split of the reed.

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