How do you spell Crack 

Available Definitions:
1)  v. t. - To break or burst, with or without entire separation of the parts; as, to crack glass; to crack nuts.
2)  v. t. - To rend with grief or pain; to affect deeply with sorrow; hence, to disorder; to distract; to craze.
3)  v. t. - To cause to sound suddenly and sharply; to snap; as, to crack a whip.
4)  v. t. - To utter smartly and sententiously; as, to crack a joke.
5)  v. t. - To cry up; to extol; -- followed by up.
6)  v. i. - To burst or open in chinks; to break, with or without quite separating into parts.
7)  v. i. - To be ruined or impaired; to fail.
8)  v. i. - To utter a loud or sharp, sudden sound.
9)  v. i. - To utter vain, pompous words; to brag; to boast; -- with of.
10)  n. - A partial separation of parts, with or without a perceptible opening; a chink or fissure; a narrow breach; a crevice; as, a crack in timber, or in a wall, or in glass.
11)  n. - Rupture; flaw; breach, in a moral sense.
12)  n. - A sharp, sudden sound or report; the sound of anything suddenly burst or broken; as, the crack of a falling house; the crack of thunder; the crack of a whip.
13)  n. - The tone of voice when changed at puberty.
14)  n. - Mental flaw; a touch of craziness; partial insanity; as, he has a crack.
15)  n. - A crazy or crack-brained person.
16)  n. - A boast; boasting.
17)  n. - Breach of chastity.
18)  n. - A boy, generally a pert, lively boy.
19)  n. - A brief time; an instant; as, to be with one in a crack.
20)  n. - Free conversation; friendly chat.
21)  a. - Of superior excellence; having qualities to be boasted of.

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