How do you spell Coped 

Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Clad in a cope.
2)  n. - Anything regarded as extended over the head, as the arch or concave of the sky, the roof of a house, the arch over a door.
3)  n. - An ecclesiastical vestment or cloak, semicircular in form, reaching from the shoulders nearly to the feet, and open in front except at the top, where it is united by a band or clasp. It is worn in processions and on some other occasions.
4)  n. - An ancient tribute due to the lord of the soil, out of the lead mines in Derbyshire, England.
5)  n. - The top part of a flask or mold; the outer part of a loam mold.
6)  v. i. - To form a cope or arch; to bend or arch; to bow.
7)  v. t. - To pare the beak or talons of (a hawk).
8)  v. i. - To exchange or barter.
9)  v. i. - To encounter; to meet; to have to do with.
10)  v. i. - To enter into or maintain a hostile contest; to struggle; to combat; especially, to strive or contend on equal terms or with success; to match; to equal; -- usually followed by with.
11)  v. t. - To bargain for; to buy.
12)  v. t. - To make return for; to requite; to repay.
13)  v. t. - To match one's self against; to meet; to encounter.

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