Available Definitions:
1) a. - Drawn together; shrunken; wrinkled; narrow; as, a contracted brow; a contracted noun.
2) a. - Narrow; illiberal; selfish; as, a contracted mind; contracted views.
3) a. - Bargained for; betrothed; as, a contracted peace.
4) n. - To enter into, with mutual obligations; to make a bargain or covenant for.
5) n. - To betroth; to affiance.
6) n. - To shorten by omitting a letter or letters or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one.
7) v. i. - To be drawn together so as to be diminished in size or extent; to shrink; to be reduced in compass or in duration; as, iron contracts in cooling; a rope contracts when wet.
8) v. i. - To make an agreement; to covenant; to agree; to bargain; as, to contract for carrying the mail.
9) a. - Contracted; as, a contract verb.
10) a. - Contracted; affianced; betrothed.
11) n. - The agreement of two or more persons, upon a sufficient consideration or cause, to do, or to abstain from doing, some act; an agreement in which a party undertakes to do, or not to do, a particular thing; a formal bargain; a compact; an interchange of legal rights.
12) n. - A formal writing which contains the agreement of parties, with the terms and conditions, and which serves as a proof of the obligation.
13) n. - The act of formally betrothing a man and woman.