How do you spell Continued 

Available Definitions:
1)  p. p. & a. - Having extension of time, space, order of events, exertion of energy, etc.; extended; protracted; uninterrupted; also, resumed after interruption; extending through a succession of issues, session, etc.; as, a continued story.
2)  v. i. - To be permanent or durable; to endure; to last.
3)  v. i. - To be steadfast or constant in any course; to persevere; to abide; to endure; to persist; to keep up or maintain a particular condition, course, or series of actions; as, the army continued to advance.
4)  v. t. - To unite; to connect.
5)  v. t. - To protract or extend in duration; to preserve or persist in; to cease not.
6)  v. t. - To carry onward or extend; to prolong or produce; to add to or draw out in length.
7)  v. t. - To retain; to suffer or cause to remain; as, the trustees were continued; also, to suffer to live.