How do you spell Concrete 

Available Definitions:
1)  a. - United in growth; hence, formed by coalition of separate particles into one mass; united in a solid form.
2)  a. - Standing for an object as it exists in nature, invested with all its qualities, as distinguished from standing for an attribute of an object; -- opposed to abstract.
3)  a. - Applied to a specific object; special; particular; -- opposed to general. See Abstract , 3.
4)  n. - A compound or mass formed by concretion, spontaneous union, or coalescence of separate particles of matter in one body.
5)  n. - A mixture of gravel, pebbles, or broken stone with cement or with tar, etc., used for sidewalks, roadways, foundations, etc., and esp. for submarine structures.
6)  n. - A term designating both a quality and the subject in which it exists; a concrete term.
7)  n. - Sugar boiled down from cane juice to a solid mass.
8)  v. i. - To unite or coalesce, as separate particles, into a mass or solid body.
9)  v. t. - To form into a mass, as by the cohesion or coalescence of separate particles.
10)  v. t. - To cover with, or form of, concrete, as a pavement.