
How do you spell Chilled

Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Hardened on the surface or edge by chilling; as, chilled iron; a chilled wheel.
2)  a. - Having that cloudiness or dimness of surface that is called "blooming."
3)  n. - A check to enthusiasm or warmth of feeling; discouragement; as, a chill comes over an assembly.
4)  n. - An iron mold or portion of a mold, serving to cool rapidly, and so to harden, the surface of molten iron brought in contact with it.
5)  n. - The hardened part of a casting, as the tread of a car wheel.
6)  a. - Moderately cold; tending to cause shivering; chilly; raw.
7)  a. - Affected by cold.
8)  a. - Characterized by coolness of manner, feeling, etc.; lacking enthusiasm or warmth; formal; distant; as, a chill reception.
9)  a. - Discouraging; depressing; dispiriting.
10)  v. t. - To strike with a chill; to make chilly; to cause to shiver; to affect with cold.
11)  v. t. - To check enthusiasm or warmth of feeling of; to depress; to discourage.
12)  v. t. - To produce, by sudden cooling, a change of crystallization at or near the surface of, so as to increase the hardness; said of cast iron.
13)  v. i. - To become surface-hardened by sudden cooling while solidifying; as, some kinds of cast iron chill to a greater depth than others.

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