How do you spell Came 

Available Definitions:
1)   - imp. of Come.
2)  n. - A slender rod of cast lead, with or without grooves, used, in casements and stained-glass windows, to hold together the panes or pieces of glass.
3)  n. - To complete a movement toward a place; to arrive.
4)  n. - To approach or arrive, as if by a journey or from a distance.
5)  n. - To approach or arrive, as the result of a cause, or of the act of another.
6)  n. - To arrive in sight; to be manifest; to appear.
7)  n. - To get to be, as the result of change or progress; -- with a predicate; as, to come untied.
8)  v. t. - To carry through; to succeed in; as, you can't come any tricks here.
9)  n. - Coming.

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