
How do you spell Bobbin

Available Definitions:
1)  n. - A small pin, or cylinder, formerly of bone, now most commonly of wood, used in the making of pillow lace. Each thread is wound on a separate bobbin which hangs down holding the thread at a slight tension.
2)  n. - A spool or reel of various material and construction, with a head at one or both ends, and sometimes with a hole bored through its length by which it may be placed on a spindle or pivot. It is used to hold yarn or thread, as in spinning or warping machines, looms, sewing machines, etc.
3)  n. - The little rounded piece of wood, at the end of a latch string, which is pulled to raise the latch.
4)  n. - A fine cord or narrow braid.
5)  n. - A cylindrical or spool-shaped coil or insulated wire, usually containing a core of soft iron which becomes magnetic when the wire is traversed by an electrical current.

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