Words List: Latin words

Words derived from the ancient Latin language

List Name:Latin words
Visibility:Public, visible to every user
Public url:https://mai.spellingbee.ninja/word_list_latin_words

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1Abdicate 6th
2Access 6th
3Accommodate 7th
4Adjacent 6th
5Affinity 7th
6Aggregate HS
7Alleviate 8th
8Alliteration Max
9Ambiguity Max
10Ameliorate HS
11Amicable 5th
12Animosity HS
13Aquatic 6th
14Bellicose Max
15Belligerent 8th
16Benefactor 8th
17Benevolent 8th
18Bugle 7th
19Canary 6th
20Candidate 5th
21Canine 8th
22Capitulation 7th
23Capricorn 7th
24Carnivore 6th
25Cognition 8th
26Colloquial HS
27Commensurate Max
28Confidence 5th
29Conjecture 7th
30Consensus 7th
31Contiguous 8th
32Corporal 7th
33Corpuscle HS
34Credible 5th
35Crescent 7th
36Current 5th
37Curriculum 6th
38Dejected 7th
39Diary 3rd
40Discern 7th
41Discipline 6th
42Dissect 6th
43Ductile Max
44Efficacy HS
45Egregious Max
46Erudite HS
47Exacerbate 7th
48Exuberant Max
49Facetious Max
50Fastidious 7th
51Femininity 8th
52Fidelity 7th
53Filament 6th
54Foliate HS
55Formidable 7th
56Gradient 6th
57Gregarious HS
58Herbivore 4th
59Humble 4th
60Igneous HS
61Imperative HS
62Impetuous HS
63Implement 5th
64Inane Max
65Incorruptible 8th
66Incredulous 7th
67Incriminate 8th
68Indigenous HS
69Infinitesimal Max
70Ingenious HS
71Innate 7th
72Innocuous 7th
73Insidious HS
74Interrupt 6th
75Intractable HS
76Jovial 6th
77Library 4th
78Lucid 7th
79Lunatic 8th
80Magnanimous HS
81Measure 5th
82Mediocre 6th
83Mercurial HS
84Message 5th
85Meticulous Max
86Nasal 3rd
87Necessary 5th
88Obsequious Max
89Obstinate 5th
90Ominous 8th
91Omnipotent 8th
92Omnivorous 4th
93Opera 4th
94Ostentatious HS
95Participant 3rd
96Patina HS
97Percolate Max
98Perennial 7th
99Perfidy Max
100Pernicious 7th
101Plausible HS
102Popularity 6th
103Precipice HS
104Precipitate 8th
105Precocious Max
106Predicate 5th
107Prerogative HS
108Prescription 5th
109Primal 6th
110Prodigal 8th
111Prosaic 7th
112Prosecute HS
113Providence HS
114Recalcitrant Max
115Refugee 8th
116Relevant 8th
117Renovate 7th
118Reptile 3rd
119Retrospective HS
120Ridiculous 6th
121Rupture 8th
122Simile 7th
123Soliloquy Max
124Spectrum 8th
125Strict 6th
126Subterfuge 7th
127Susceptible 6th
128Temporal 7th
129Tertiary Max
130Trajectory HS
131Triumvirate Max
132Ubiquitous Max
133Unity 6th
134Ventilate 6th
135Vernacular HS
136Visceral HS
137Vivisection HS
138Vulnerable 8th
139Ambivalent 8th
140Electoral 6th
141Postmortem Max
142Transect HS
143Condolences 8th
144Credentials 8th