
How do you spell Sweeping

Available Definitions:
1)  a. - Cleaning off surfaces, or cleaning away dust, dirt, or litter, as a broom does; moving with swiftness and force; carrying everything before it; including in its scope many persons or things; as, a sweeping flood; a sweeping majority; a sweeping accusation.
2)  v. i. - To drive or carry along or off with a broom or a brush, or as if with a broom; to remove by, or as if by, brushing; as, to sweep dirt from a floor; the wind sweeps the snow from the hills; a freshet sweeps away a dam, timber, or rubbish; a pestilence sweeps off multitudes.
3)  v. i. - To brush against or over; to rub lightly along.
4)  v. i. - To carry with a long, swinging, or dragging motion; hence, to carry in a stately or proud fashion.
5)  v. i. - To strike with a long stroke.
6)  v. i. - To draw or drag something over; as, to sweep the bottom of a river with a net.
7)  v. i. - To pass over, or traverse, with the eye or with an instrument of observation; as, to sweep the heavens with a telescope.
8)  v. i. - To clean rooms, yards, etc., or to clear away dust, dirt, litter, etc., with a broom, brush, or the like.
9)  v. i. - To brush swiftly over the surface of anything; to pass with switness and force, as if brushing the surface of anything; to move in a stately manner; as, the wind sweeps across the plain; a woman sweeps through a drawing-room.
10)  v. i. - To pass over anything comprehensively; to range through with rapidity; as, his eye sweeps through space.
11)  n. - The act of sweeping.
12)  n. - The compass or range of a stroke; as, a long sweep.
13)  n. - The compass of any turning body or of any motion; as, the sweep of a door; the sweep of the eye.
14)  n. - The compass of anything flowing or brushing; as, the flood carried away everything within its sweep.
15)  n. - Violent and general destruction; as, the sweep of an epidemic disease.
16)  n. - Direction and extent of any motion not rectlinear; as, the sweep of a compass.
17)  n. - Direction or departure of a curve, a road, an arch, or the like, away from a rectlinear line.
18)  n. - One who sweeps; a sweeper; specifically, a chimney sweeper.
19)  n. - A movable templet for making molds, in loam molding.
20)  n. - The mold of a ship when she begins to curve in at the rungheads; any part of a ship shaped in a segment of a circle.
21)  n. - A large oar used in small vessels, partly to propel them and partly to steer them.
22)  n. - The almond furnace.
23)  n. - A long pole, or piece of timber, moved on a horizontal fulcrum fixed to a tall post and used to raise and lower a bucket in a well for drawing water.
24)  n. - In the game of casino, a pairing or combining of all the cards on the board, and so removing them all; in whist, the winning of all the tricks (thirteen) in a hand; a slam.
25)  n. - The sweeping of workshops where precious metals are worked, containing filings, etc.

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